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    Say Goodbye to System Overhauls With Our Lightweight, Precise, and Frictionless IDS/IPS

    August 21, 2024

    Rising cybersecurity threats and the high costs of managing connected systems are major concerns in the automotive industry. VicOne’s xCarbon tackles these challenges by offering an efficient, flexible solution that enhances security while minimizing operational overhead. By intelligently detecting and responding to potential threats, xCarbon ensures that vehicles remain secure without compromising on performance or cost-effectiveness.
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    Risk Navigation in Software-Defined Vehicles

    Sharper Insights, Lower Anxiety

    June 27, 2024

    The cyberattack surface has expanded rapidly with the trend toward software-defined vehicles (SDVs) and increasing reliance on the cloud and APIs. It has been challenging to attain security visibility across the broadening automotive ecosystem, but VicOne and 42Crunch’s integrated solution promises to eliminate unknown security blind spots.
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    Gain Zero-Day Risk Insights From Our Superior Automotive Vulnerability and SBOM Management System

    June 11, 2024

    The automotive industry faces many challenges, from complying with new regulations to dealing with vulnerabilities and preparing for threats on the horizon. How can the automotive supply chain equip itself to handle these challenges?
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    Integrated Adaptive Vehicle Risk Management

    From Automated Vulnerability Detection to Dynamic TARA Process

    May 31, 2024

    Calculating risk scores to identify relevant risks is no easy task because of cognitive bias, information silos, and non-actionable insights. Integrated adaptive vehicle risk management addresses these issues to prioritize risks accurately, accelerate time for risk assessment, and enable early protection.
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    EV Charging System Protection

    Securing Your EV Charging System by Monitoring for Software Vulnerabilities and Ensuring Attack Resilience

    April 10, 2024

    Our solutions provide multilayered cybersecurity protection to keep your electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE) or charging systems up and running. Because certain network attacks cannot be mitigated through Secure by Design alone, VicOne’s EV Charging System Protection solutions go beyond the scope of Secure by Design by proactively identifying vulnerabilities while safeguarding charging stations from potential attacks via our security agent.
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    More Insights, Less Anxiety: See Better With Our Next-Gen VSOC Platform

    February 16, 2024

    The common approach involves using cloud-based vehicle security operations center (VSOC) platforms for their quick installation and noninvasiveness. But as the attack surface has expanded from the cloud to in-vehicle components and infrastructure, relying solely on today’s VSOC platforms might not bring about sufficient protection.
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    Smart Cockpit Protection

    Securely Innovate AI-Powered Cockpits by Avoiding Sensitive Data Leaks and Addressing Security Risks

    January 8, 2024

    As the landscape of software-defined vehicles evolves, safeguarding user data becomes paramount. Our experience highlights several potential risks that could lead to sensitive data leaks, including malicious AI plug-ins, risky LLM apps, vulnerable browsers, and other unsafe software. These threats underscore the critical need for robust security measures to protect user-sensitive data in the AI-powered cockpit era.
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    Why Are an IDPS and a TEE Necessary for Software-Defined Vehicles?

    The Power of VicOne + Trustonic: Complete Coverage Using Secure by Design and Cybersecurity

    December 7, 2023

    With millions of lines of code and various connectivity interfaces, a software-defined vehicle (SDV) is exposed to numerous risks. VicOne's xCarbon intrusion detection and prevention system (IDPS) helps vehicle manufacturers protect SDVs by detecting and monitoring suspicious activities in electronic control units (ECUs). Trustonic's Trusted Execution Environment (TEE) provides a secure enclave to isolate and protect customer code and data.
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    Safeguarding Software-Defined Vehicles

    Enhanced Resilience via Integrated Detection and Prevention With NXP’s GoldBox

    November 28, 2023

    To address challenges for OEMs and Tier 1 suppliers, we integrated VicOne’s xCarbon intrusion detection and prevention system (IDPS) with NXP’s GoldBox vehicle networking development platform. The resulting automotive cybersecurity solution is designed to detect threats inside the vehicle and provide basic capabilities to combat ever-changing cyberthreats.
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    Simplifying Security Collaboration: VicOne and Block Harbor Unite to Bridge the Gap Between VSOC and PSIRT/Engineering Teams

    November 10, 2023

    Imagine a future where automakers and suppliers are collaborating at a high frequency to release updates to vehicles. A new cybersecurity event in production and operations means a new security fix must be rolled out — just like with smartphones and other IoT devices. How quickly can the monitoring team navigate the complex network of affected parties to deploy a security patch?
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    Unleashing Unparalleled Security: VicOne and NXP Join Forces for Trustworthy V2X Connections

    October 31, 2023

    Through the collaborative efforts of VicOne’s automotive cybersecurity solutions and NXP’s OrangeBox solution, a multilayered protection solution arises to support OEMs and Tier 1 suppliers. This robust solution delivers a precise yet lightweight detection and response mechanism, effectively countering ever-evolving cyberthreats.
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    VicOne, NXP, AWS, and Inventec Collaborate on Pre-Integrated and Comprehensive Cybersecurity Solution for Software-Defined Vehicles

    August 25, 2023

    The automotive industry has entered a new era marked by connected, software-driven, and personalized experiences. With the clear trend toward software-defined vehicles (SDVs), the ability to rapidly evolve software can garner decisive competitive advantages.