August 2022 Automotive Security Discoveries
September 2, 2022August saw the release of several studies on the flaws in different connected vehicle components, which highlighted the trade-off between convenience and security.
VicOneA Cybersecurity Framework Built for the Future of the Automotive Industry
August 26, 2022The automotive industry is at a decisive moment. Growth is in its future, but so are potential risks. What kind of cybersecurity framework do manufacturers need to support them in navigating the path ahead?
Max ChengShifting Lanes: Riding Taiwan’s First Self-Driving Bus
August 10, 2022Taiwan’s first self-driving bus hit the road in 2020. Although it was only a trial run, it showed tremendous promise and highlighted potential threats for autonomous vehicle technologies in the not-so-distant future.
VicOneDriven Toward Safety: Updates on the UN R155 Enforcement
July 29, 2022The enforcement of the UN Regulation No. R155 (UN R155) in July 2022 entails cybersecurity requirements that are binding in all UNECE member countries. To comply with and stay updated on the latest security requirements, OEMs and Tier 1 suppliers must rely on comprehensive cybersecurity solutions.
Peter YangVicOne Among CRN’s List of Coolest Cybersecurity Products in 2022
July 25, 2022CRN® names VicOne as one of the top 11 coolest cybersecurity tools and products of 2022, highlighting the growing market for cybersecurity in the world of connected cars..
VicOneDisassembling the Design: Exploring a Vulnerability in the CAN Standard
July 13, 2022A design vulnerability in a network protocol connecting in-vehicle systems and equipment could lead to fatal situations for car users. We delve into the CAN standard and possible mitigation methods in the face of vulnerability exploitation.
VicOneOn the Highway to Safety: Gearing Up for Safer Roads Ahead
July 8, 2022As with all internet-enabled technologies, Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSs) are open to the possibility of cyberattacks. From denying data flow to service disruption, a range of potential attacks could be launched on the ITS infrastructure, making ITS cybersecurity a nonnegotiable component of today’s connected world.
VicOneSecuring the Automotive Industry Against Data Breaches
July 6, 2022How can automotive security prevent and mitigate the effects of data breaches? We revisit data breach cases in the automotive industry to gather insights.
CyberThreat Research LabInvestigating the Benefits and Risks of Connected Car Technologies
June 30, 2022While today’s modern vehicles promise an increased level of connectivity to improve user experience and safety, cybercriminals could still abuse these improvements to wreak havoc on the road and steal personal data from users, thus making dynamic security for connected cars paramount.
VicOneISO/SAE 21434: Setting a New Standard for Cars of the Future
June 24, 2022The past decade has ushered in a new age in vehicle connectivity and improved the way cars and humans interact with each other. But it has also opened cybersecurity gaps that require an appropriate standard for the automotive industry to protect connected cars from attacks.
VicOnePaving the Way to Secure Connected Cars
June 22, 2022The increasing availability of connected cars has made cybersecurity guidelines a must. Alongside complying with UN Regulation No. 155, car manufacturers also need to keep abreast with varying risks and attack vectors, as we discuss here.
VicOneThe Road Ahead for Connected Car Security
June 2, 2022Automotive cybersecurity faces many challenges ahead. This includes an ever-expanding attack surface for connected cars and an ill-equipped supply chain. How can we keep up?
Max Cheng